Tag Archives: vacuum chamber

Vacuum Chambers Explained


Vacuum Sealers remove oxygen from a package prior to sealing the bag.  By removing oxygen from the package, vacuum sealing can extend the life of a food package or prevent rust of industrial items.  Our vacuum chamber sealers require no external compressor and can vacuum seal liquids and powders.  Depending on the bag size, vacuum chamber sealers can also vacuum seal multiple bags at a time.

Learning how a vacuum chamber works may be less intuitive than a nozzle vacuum sealers so we created a quick little infographic to walk you through the mechanics of a vacuum chamber.

  1. Bag is placed in a vacuum chamber sealer.  The open end of the bag should go over the sealing bar.
  2. Vacuum pump removes oxygen from the vacuum chamber including the oxygen inside the bag.  The pressure in the chamber is now lower in the chamber than outside.  Because air rushes out of the chamber more quickly than in the bag, this can cause the bag to puff up inside the chamber (pressure in bag is higher than chamber for a short amount of time).  This is normal.
  3. Vacuum sealer seals the bag closed.
  4. Vacuum sealer then allows the chamber to equalize.  This allows the pressure of the chamber to be the same inside and outside of the chamber.  The bag (because it is sealed) cannot equalize the pressure along with the rest of the chamber.  As a result the atmospheric pressure in the chamber causes the bag to collapse and thus vacuumed.

As a result of this method, vacuum chambers are able to vacuum seal liquids in bags and provides an advantage over nozzle vacuum sealers.


Watch our DZ-500T vacuum chamber in action.


For the month of April, we will be offering 10% off our DZ-500T vacuum chamber.

Product of the Month: HVC-260T Vacuum Sealer

Product of the Month

We are highlighting our value chamber vacuum sealer, HVC-260T in this month’s Product of the Month series.  The HVC-260T is an inexpensive workhorse vacuum chamber that can be used to vacuum seal almost anything including liquids.  Remember the unique feature for vacuum chamber sealers is no external compressor is required so this unit is basically a plug and go unit.

As a special we are offering a 10% discount with the code FALLBACK when purchased on our website.  Don’t wait as this code expires at the end of the year!



  • Impulse seal – sealing length: 10″
  • Heavy duty 1/4 hp oil pump
  • 10” removable seal bar
  • Compact unit
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Easy to use digital control panel and easy to read pressure indicator
  • No external compressor required

Easy Maintenance with Removable Seal Bars


Strong Enough Vacuum to Crush Soda Cans


We also carry a wide range of a vacuum bags and offer custom sizes should you need.

Not all Bags are Created Equal (Quick Lesson on OTR)

Vacuum packaging is a method of packaging that removes air from the package prior to sealing the package.  Many food industries (meat, cheese, seafood) use vacuum packaging in order to extend the shelf life of these products.

Once air has been eliminated from the package, there must be an adequate oxygen barrier and seal integrity to keep a low oxygen concentration inside the bag. Otherwise, the driving force created by the oxygen partial pressure differences (21% outside the bag and 0-2% inside the bag) will cause oxygen to re-enter the bag.

OTR (Oxygen Transfer Rates) is the amount of oxygen that passes through a defined area of film over 24 hours.  This is where the importance of your bag comes in.  See our chart below of various OTR rates for films.  The lower the OTR, the better the barrier.

OTR Chart_Logo

If you are vacuum sealing a bag with a high OTR, this defeats the purpose of vacuum sealing since the bag will easily allow oxygen right back in the bag.  In order to properly vacuum seal your bag, you must choose a bag with a low OTR.

The Best Little Vacuum Chamber That Could

If your small home vacuum sealer is just not meeting your needs, this chamber vacuum sealer is the perfect upgrade.  The TC-Series vacuum sealer is an easy to use table top unit that can vacuum seal your product:  cheese, nuts, dried fruit, and much more!  Just place your item in the chamber, close the lid and 30 seconds later..voila!  A perfectly vacuum sealed product with a beautiful two line seal.  We also carry options such as gas flush and 220V.



  • Compact, easily fits most spaces
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Durable aluminum steel bar
  • Acrylic plastic lid
  • Pump manufactured and designed in Italy (TC-420 series – Busch pump)
  • Custom features available – gas flush, sensor control, 220V
  • ETL, UL, NSF, CE, and CSA Certified